Oven, rangehood and filter domestic cleaning

Oven, rangehood and filter domestic cleaning

No-one likes cleaning the oven but it is necessary to minimise the risk of accidental fire, enhance energy efficiency and reduce fumes and smoke while cooking. Let us do the hard work for you.
Allspot professionals will not use any harmful chemicals giving you peace of mind without the mess or fumes domestic cleaning products can cause. Most domestic oven cleaners are caustic and often cannot reach all interior cavities and crevices.
You and your family’s safety is our concern, so our products are completely harmless so no need to leave the premises during the cleaning process. All products are biodegradable, non-toxic, non-caustic products which are completely safe for you, your oven and your family

Our service includes the oven, cooktop and rangehood and our cleaners will leave them sparkling and fresh for your future cooking experiences.

What to expect from your Oven clean?

  • Initial review of your oven type and interior and exterior materials. This will determine the products and method of cleaning we will provide.
  • Remove all racks, grilles and shelves
  • Oven door removed if possible. Windows cleaned and polished internal and external.
  • Surrounding areas including floors are protected
  • Grease, grime and burnt on carbon deposits are removed as close as possible to the electrical elements
  • Whether you have gas, electric, stainless steel, enamel or glass cooktops we use the appropriate cleaning tools and eco-safe solutions to provide a spotless clean without leaving scratches and marks
  • Trivets and rings are soaked and cleaned including hobs, dials, knobs and fittings
  • All exterior areas that are accessible are wiped and cleaned with the appropriate non toxic eco-friendly products
  • All parts are replaced and oven, cooktop and rangehood tested to ensure they are all in working order.

Click here to book your Oven cleaning service.